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5 common causes of truck accidents

5 common causes of truck accidents

by | Aug 13, 2022 | Personal Injury

When you have to drive around large vehicles, it can be terrifying. If a semi goes out of control or starts moving into your lane, you could be hit and end up with serious injuries. A momentary lapse by one driver could change your life forever.

Unfortunately, truck accidents do happen, and they happen regularly. Why? Here are some of the most common causes.

  1. Tired drivers

One of the first reasons that truck drivers crash is because of being too tired. They may be pushed to work longer hours than they should or be on tight deadlines. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has regulations in place to prevent crashes, but even with those hours of service restrictions, crashes still happen.

  1. Tire issues

Tire defects are present in a surprising amount of truck-related accidents. Around 30% of truck crashes involve tire defects of some kind.

  1. Distracted driving

Distracted driving is very common today. Between changing radio stations, talking over the radio to other drivers, making phone calls, filling out log books and other distractions, it’s not uncommon to see drivers doing more than just driving on the road. Unfortunately, these distractions can lead to serious collisions.

  1. Speeding

Speeding is another big problem among truck drivers. While many trucks are monitored, the reality is that tight deadlines and pay based on how many loads a driver can deliver makes it likely that drivers will speed at one time or another. Speeding can make a crash more likely and much more severe when it does occur.

  1. Medical issues

Another common cause of crashes is when a medical emergency takes place. When a driver sits for many hours a day, they’re less likely to be in good health. They may be sleep deprived, have a higher risk for blood clots and be at risk of other health conditions.

These are several common reasons for truck accidents. As a victim, remember that you have a right to take steps to hold drivers accountable if they cause a crash. You may want to look into making a personal injury claim to seek fair compensation for all you’ve been through.
