
Life Changes, So Should Your Divorce Or Custody Arrangement

When you get a divorce or agree to a child custody arrangement, you cannot foresee the changes that life might bring. At Rogers Sevastianos & Bante LLP, we provide caring guidance and knowledgeable counsel in cases involving modifications to existing family law orders. Whether you are seeking a modification or responding to a modification request, we will help you understand your options and find an acceptable solution.

To schedule a free in-office or telephone consultation with one of our St. Louis modifications attorneys, call (314) 354-8484 or contact us online.

St. Louis And St. Charles Child Support Modification Attorneys

When a parent’s financial situation changes, the current child support order may no longer be appropriate. When one party loses a job or is demoted, has significant medical problems, gets remarried or otherwise has a change in their ability to make child support payments, the court may modify the payment schedule accordingly. Even if one party is unable to pay, they must seek the court’s approval to modify child support. If you fall behind on payments, the courts will not forgive the debt because you had a good reason. You need to seek advice right away to make the necessary adjustment.

In some cases, it may be possible to adjust child custody and child support obligations. If one party, due to a layoff or reduction in hours, is now able to avoid day care expenses by spending more time with a child, the courts may allow a change in the custodial arrangement. The key is to remain focused on your child’s best interest and seek the right solution for your family.

Child Custody And Spousal Support Modifications

Parents may seek a change in the custodial arrangement for any number of reasons. If the child is old enough to express a preference for the change, the courts may take that into account. If one parent gets remarried or the living circumstances change, the child may prefer a change. The important thing is to keep in mind what is best for your child. We can help you protect your parental rights by finding an effective solution for your situation.

Spousal maintenance may be subject to change when the recipient improves their financial outlook or otherwise becomes self-sufficient. Maintenance normally terminates if the recipient gets remarried. A change in financial circumstances of the person paying maintenance may also result in a modification of maintenance. Any change must be justified by the specific circumstances of your case.

Schedule a free, in-office or telephone consultation by contacting us online or by calling (314) 354-8484.