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Sale Stolen Goods

Were You Accused Of Selling Stolen Goods?

Sale of stolen goods falls under the receiving stolen property statute in Missouri. A person can be charged with this crime if he or she receives, retains or disposes of the property of another, knowing or believing that it has been stolen. This crime may be charged as a felony or a misdemeanor depending on the surrounding circumstances and the value of the property concerned.

If you have been arrested for receiving stolen property or sale of stolen goods, you need a highly accomplished, talented criminal defense lawyer to protect your rights and aggressively defend you against the charges. Our St. Louis criminal defense attorneys at Rogers Sevastianos & Bante LLP have successfully handled hundreds of jury trials. We have the legal knowledge, skills and reputation to negotiate effectively on your behalf or aggressively defend you in court if your case goes to trial.

Sale Of Stolen Goods May Be Charged As A Misdemeanor Or A Felony

The severity of charges and penalties for sale of stolen goods depends mainly on the value of the property concerned. If the value is less than $500, this crime is charged as a Class A misdemeanor. If the value is $500 or more, or if the defendant is a dealer in the same type of goods, then it is charged as a Class C felony.

Evidence Of Receiving Stolen Property Or Sale Of Stolen Goods

Receiving stolen property or sale of stolen goods is a theft crime. To prove that the crime occurred, the prosecution must show that:

  • The property was in fact stolen
  • The defendant knew or should have known that the property was stolen
  • The defendant had intent to deprive the property owner by keeping the property, selling it or giving it away.

Under state law, it may be admissible for the prosecution to show that the defendant:

  • Was found in possession or control of other property stolen from two or more people on separate occasions
  • Received other stolen property in another transaction within a year before the transaction for which the defendant is facing charges
  • Acquired stolen property for a consideration the defendant knew was far below the reasonable value of the property
  • Obtained control over the property knowing it was stolen or under circumstances that would reasonably induce a person to believe it was stolen.

Defense Against Sale Of Stolen Goods Charges

When charged as a felony, receiving stolen property or sale of stolen goods may carry heavy penalties, including imprisonment, restitution and fines. You need an aggressive, knowledgeable legal defense to help you obtain the best possible outcome.

We have a history of success handling criminal defense cases at Rogers Sevastianos & Bante LLP. If you have been arrested or charged with sale of stolen goods, our legal team will use every available defense to protect your rights and your future. Contact us now for help in your case; call (314) 354-8484 to set up your free consultation today.