Bank And Securities Fraud

A Staunch Ally Against Serious Bank And Securities Fraud Charges

Bank and securities fraud charges are often brought on by federal authorities and can be very serious. The federal justice system is very different from Missouri and Illinois state criminal courts, so it is critical that you have an attorney who is experienced in the court where you have been charged, fighting diligently for you.

Prior to charges being issued, however, you have likely been under investigation for some time. Federal agencies have significantly more funding than state law enforcement, so they can dedicate more resources to lengthy investigations. Agents will have gathered many records, interviewed witnesses and organized other types of evidence to use against you.

The moment you believe you may be under investigation for bank or securities fraud, you should immediately call a federal fraud defense attorney. Our legal team will protect your constitutional rights during an investigation as well as represent you during all questioning by federal agents. Too often, people under investigation become stressed and say things that may be used against them. Even worse, some people believe they can get away with lying to federal agents.

Do not make these mistakes. Contact the St. Louis racketeering defense attorneys of Rogers Sevastianos & Bante LLP as soon as possible if you are charged with bank and securities fraud. Call or reach out online to get started.

Types Of Bank And Securities Fraud Crimes

Bank and securities fraud is a general category that includes many different types of specific offenses. Often, these charges are combined with other lesser or more serious federal charges. Our firm knows how to defend against charges alleging the following and more:

  • Investment fraud
  • Insider trading
  • Stock manipulation
  • Pyramid schemes
  • Protection rackets
  • Boiler rooms
  • Ponzi schemes
  • Mail or wire fraud
  • Corporate fraud
  • Embezzlement
  • Breaches of fiduciary duties

The defense strategy will need to be specifically tailored for each case depending on the allegations against you. Our defense attorneys understand how to protect your rights and aggressively defend you in federal criminal court.

Potential Penalties For Bank Or Securities Fraud

The possible penalties in bank and securities fraud cases will vary depending on the amount of money that was allegedly taken, the extent of the scheme and the existence of other charges. However, it is important to take bank and securities charges very seriously because some of the penalties can include:

  • Extensive fines, often based on the amount of money involved – even up to $1 million for certain bank fraud cases
  • Restitution to victims
  • Extensive federal prison sentences, sometimes up to 25 to 30 years

Because of these potentially severe penalties, you should always immediately discuss your situation with a highly qualified criminal defense lawyer before taking action.

Contact A Fraud Defense Lawyer As Soon As Possible

If you are under suspicion of or have been charged with bank or securities fraud, the law firm of Rogers Sevastianos & Bante LLP is here to help. Do not delay in contacting us online or calling (314) 354-8484 so we can begin protecting your rights as soon as possible.