
Experienced Criminal Defense For Serious Embezzlement Cases

If you have been accused of the crime of embezzlement, your next actions are critical. You have the right to remain silent – and it is imperative that you exercise that right. Your first step is to retain a defense attorney who will professionally manage every detail of your case. The quality and experience of your team is a critical point in cases of embezzlement charges.

At Rogers Sevastianos & Bante LLP, our experienced white collar crime lawyers have all the resources necessary to help you fight back against the charges and aggressively seek to avoid conviction. No case is “cut and dried.” Immediate intervention by our firm is a critical point in how your case unfolds.

The Crime Of Embezzlement: Facts.

Under Illinois statute 720 ILCS 5/16-1, a person commits theft when knowingly exerting unauthorized control over the property of another party. In most cases, unless the value is under $500, felony charges will be filed. A conviction will include jail or prison time as well as financial penalties and carries the added punishment of living as a convicted felon upon release from prison. Professional licenses are lost, along with the ability to practice your profession. It is crucial that you have defense counsel that brings top level defense skills to the table.

Embezzlement Charges In Missouri

Embezzlement charges can be filed against a range of employees, from a CFO of a major corporation to a lower level employee who has access to company funds or materials. The case may involve the theft and sale of hard business assets or the theft of company funds. Individuals who are accused of embezzling money face a very serious legal problem. Based upon the value of the money or property that has allegedly been stolen, the penalties can be extensive and severe.

If you are accused of this crime, Rogers Sevastianos & Bante LLP will manage your case with the highest level of professional legal skill. Our experience includes defending C-suite personnel to lower level managers in a range of white collar offenses, including embezzlement charges.

Worried about the future? You have very real reason for concern. We urge you to connect with us immediately if you have been charged or have been interviewed by law enforcement and believe embezzlement charges are pending.

Our Experience At Trial

At Rogers Sevastianos & Bante LLP, our team has extensive trial experience and the professional resources that are critical in defending against a financial crime accusation. Our partners are licensed to practice in both Illinois and Missouri and listed in Super Lawyers and in National Top 100 Trial Lawyers.

Don’t take chances when it comes to your freedom – speak with us and let us review the facts in your case. We are aggressive, dedicated and talented in defending against white collar crimes. We are ready to move into action for you. Call (314) 354-8484 to set up an appointment or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.